Jeff Middleton
Author & Speaker

God’s love for us and desire for us to know Him and to treasure Him only is
paramount throughout scripture. God’s Word shares that “David is a man after God’s own heart.” David’s heart is revealed to us in the Bible and is most evident in the Psalms, where David shares his heart’s cry and desire to glorify his Heavenly Father. David also prophetically praises the coming Messiah, the Treasured King.
Like all of us, David was imperfect, yet he demonstrated a desire and commitment to fulfill God’s will throughout his life. David left us an example of passionate devotion and humble repentance. His journey of grace, restoration and hope still rings true for us today. As we study God’s Word, may we also see that God is after our hearts as well.
Be that man or woman after God’s own heart! Experience that same passion for God as David did. Take this journey through the life of David. Allow it to penetrate your heart. Reflect on the questions at the end of each chapter and allow God, through His Holy Spirit, to speak to you and draw you closer to Christ Jesus, “The Treasured King”.
Now available at Barnes & Noble and Books-a-Million.
“As a men’s ministry leader I am constantly looking for material that our small groups can interact with the
Scriptures. Jeff Middleton does that in his book The Treasured King. I love how he takes the life of David recorded in the history of the Old Testament, interface them with David’s Psalms, and brings New Testament passages in the mix. He also applies the Scriptures to where we live today. I see God using this book to further others to be ‘men after God’s own heart.’
I heartily recommend it.”
Executive Director of Young Business Leaders
Birmingham, Alabama
“For many years, Jeff was a partner in ministry and service. He consistently proved himself to be a man of faith
and love. We also studied together in a small group for which I am thankful and from which I grew spiritually. Observing him as a family man can bring a touch of envy as his wife, Beth, and his children have deep respect for and love for this man. In this book, Jeff offers a keen insight into the life of David as he too is a man after God’s own heart. Like David, he understands friendship and the keeping of a covenant. Like David, he understands what it takes to serve. This author of The Treasured King
is a treasured friend.”
Retired Pastor, Friendly Avenue Baptist Church
Greensboro, NC
“Adventure... challenge... inspiration! You will find this and much more in Jeff Middleton’s exploration of the life of King David. Knowing Jeff for many years, I can attest to the authenticity and personal nature of his writing. You will simply love this book! As you enter David’s story, you will quickly find a path into your own soul and journey. And this journey will be well worth your time. Enjoy The Treasured King!”
Author of 30 Days of Hope for Hurting Marriages
“As a longtime friend and co-laborer in the teaching of God’s Word, I have watched Jeff face and, by God’s grace, overcome many “giants.” His thorough research into the life of David is matched only by his personal experience as a humble, yet passionate, leader. Grab your Bible, highlighter, and pen and prepare yourself for a richly fulfilling educational journey into the multi-faceted world of King David.”
Alonza Jones
President and Co-Founder, Biblical Marriage Institute
“Middleton’s account of the life of David reveals the secret of David’s success and the reasons for his many failures. But it also uncovers the greater story of a better hero. In traversing the details of David’s life we learn how this weak Israelite king points us to the ultimate king, Jesus — despised like the ‘worm’ of David’s psalm, yet finally winning the ultimate victory for His people over sin and death. This work is a great service to the church in uniting a researched theological discourse that will engage the mind with a pastors eye to calling on every reader to surrender their hearts to the “Treasured King.” God-centered, application-oriented, and driven by the text throughout, this resource is a gift to God’s church.”
Brian Keen
Director of Ministries at Brother Bryan Mission
Birmingham, Alabama